Closing the backdoor: The new TurkStream is here. Can the West stop it?

Martin Vladimirov is director of the Energy and Climate Program at the Center for the Study of Democracy. Announcing its plans for what could be called TurkStream 2 on Aug. 21, Turkey finally dropped all pretenses. According to the countryโ€™s energy minister, Alparslan Bayraktar, the state-owned gas monopoly BOTAลž would now be able export around [โ€ฆ]

Europeโ€™s new energy risk: Trading Russia for America

The EU replaced Russian energy with U.S. supplies after Moscow launched a war. Now people are wondering: Is Europe too dependent on America?

Finance Watch warns: Economic models underestimate climate risks

The economic models used to calculate the risks of climate change to economic growth and financial stability are “disconnected” from climate science and perpetuate an inaction bias in policymakers, aย new report by the financial policy NGO Finance Watch…