„Du wirst eingewechselt und es steht vier null gegen dich“

Robert Habeck wollte 2021 Kanzlerkandidat werden und musste Annalena Baerbock den Vortritt lassen. Jetzt bekommt er seine Chance — doch die Stimmung hat sich längst gegen die Grünen gedreht.

Bundestag 2025: Wer in Nordrhein-Westfalen in den Wahlkampf zieht

Wer aus dem bevölkerungsreichstem Bundesland kommt, kann Kanzler, heißt es. Das galt für Konrad Adenauer — wird es auch für den nächsten Bundeskanzler gelten?”

Green lead candidate hits back at EPP attempts to exclude her group from Commission majority 

Attempts of European People’s Party (EPP) members to exclude the Greens from the post-election coalition majority “will backfire” in post-election negotiations, Green lead candidate Terry Reintke told Euractiv, after EPP members doubted the Greens’ sui…

Germany’s centre right CDU warms to Italy’s hard-right

Collaborations with far-right parties remain a touchy subject in Germany, but Jens Spahn, a leading lawmaker of the German CDU (European People’s Party EPP), told Euractiv that it is time to normalise the hard-right Italian ruling party, Fratelli d’Ita…

CDU seeks to win back German voters with its own Rwanda asylum plan

Official says party favours sending refugees to third countries such as Rwanda for application processingGermany’s opposition conservatives are seeking to win back voters with a sweeping change to the country’s immigration and asylum policy, including …

Use of €60bn Covid debt for climate fund unlawful, German top court rules

Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court ruled on Wednesday (15 November) that the German parliament’s 2022 decision to pour €60 billion from the unused debt contracted during the COVID-19 crisis into a new climate fund was unlawful.