Green jobs set to find home away from Europe, head of largest industrial union warns

While the EU Green Deal came with the promise of new jobs in green industries offsetting job losses elsewhere, these jobs are currently being created outside Europe, warned Judith Kirton-Darling, General Secretary of trade union IndustriAll Europe.

Workersโ€™ safety is part of EU competitiveness story, says IndustriAll chief [Advocacy Lab Content]

Europe must create high-road debate around competitiveness and improve workersโ€™ conditions rather than just discussing cutting costs, says Judith Kirton-Darling, General Secretary at trade union IndustriAll Europe.

EUโ€™s promising critical raw materials plansโ€ฏrisk being undermined by lack of commitmentโ€ฏ

While the high-road approach of the CRMA factors in the social and environmental conditions in which raw materials are extracted and processed, for this strategy to be viable, the EU must follow through and secure meaningful trade agreements with partn…