Electricity firms demand new EU energy security plan at Munich conference

With electricity set to play an ever more central role in Europeโ€™s energy system, the trade association Eurelectric has called on Brussels to urgently update a security of supply strategy that dates back to 2014.

Relieved energy industry cheers โ€˜bullseyeโ€™ Draghi report

EU energy industry associations welcomed the Draghi report, lauding its restraint to attack the blocโ€™s energy market principles, while MEPs want to make sure it is politically recognised.

Europeโ€™s power sector pushes back against Brusselsโ€™ overregulation

The European power sector industry and trades have stated their issues with the EU’s approach to regulation in a scathing letter sent to the European Commission, highlighting larger concerns in the sector.ย 

Whatโ€™s next for EU power market, [Part One]

The EU is about to ratify the Electricity market reform. But this major achievement could be only the first building block of the future European electricity system. Numerous adjustments will have to be made to ensure its resilience after 2030, or even…

Power industry calls for long-term plans and tariff flexibility to finance grid expansion

European power industry association Eurelectric seeks longer-term planning and a reform of grid tariff rules to finance an anticipated โ‚ฌ584 billion investment into the continent’s electricity grids by 2030.

Electricity lobby calls for data sharing to aid EV uptake, but privacy concerns persist

Eurelectric, a Europe-wide electricity trade association, released a report today (6 March) calling for data sharing between car manufacturers, electricity grid operators, electric vehicle charge point operators (CPOs) and consumers to facilitate wider…

Clock ticking as EU tries to unblock energy taxation directive

The French electricity sector fears that the revision of the EU’s energy taxation directive will fail before the June European elections, despite a last push by the Belgian EU presidency, which is seeking to break the deadlock in the Council of the EU.