EU struggles to secure another New Zealand-style trade deal

The EU-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (FTA) officially entered into force on 1 May. The pact has put an end to a four-year trade drought, since Vietnam’s agreement in 2020, and the European Commission considers it a blueprint for future FTAs.

French Green MEPs call for radical change in agricultural policy

Amid growing farmers’ protests across the EU, the French EU Greens chief on Tuesday (23 January) called for a new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) that temporarily insures farmers’ pay and limitations on free trade deals that could undermine EU farmers…

Press release – Parliament approves EU-New Zealand free trade agreement

The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) will remove 100% of New Zealand tariffs on EU exports on its entry into force and will lift 98.5% of EU tariffs on New Zealand trade after seven years.Committee on International Trade Source : ยฉ European Union, 2023 – EP