Reshaping recycling: the complex quest for circular plastics [Promoted content]

With over 400 million tons of plastic produced annually worldwide, half of which is designed for single use, and less than 10% recycled, the need to improve circularity is imperative. The upcoming delegated act from the Single-Use Plastics Directive (S…

Political will and collaboration can revise plastics system [Promoted content]

For the first time, the European plastics industry is united to redesign the plastics system and achieve net zero emissions. Learn why โ€˜the Plastics Transitionโ€™ roadmap is being considered as a profound cultural shift for the plastics industry.

Harnessing the power of digital product identification

A triple win for sustainability, circularity and business

The future of packaging in Europe

We need to change how the EU packages food and beverages to transition to a low-carbon circular economy.

Certifying the circular economy, verification required after new deal [Advocacy Lab Content]

The EUโ€™s new requirements for circularity, renewables and the bioeconomy will require verification if they are to work, after EU legislators came to a hard-fought agreement on revising the unionโ€™s legislation covering packaging and packaging waste.

Carbon circularity requires EU action: lessons from 3 EU projects [Promoted content]

CO2SMOS, VIVALDI and CATCO2NVERS are EU-funded projects exploring ways to replace fossil-based carbon in chemicals with carbon emitted by installations processing biomass. Their recommendations? EU regulations must ensure that sustainable carbon is rec…

Time for Member States to secure an ambitious, yet realistic EU packaging law [Promoted content]

On 22 November, the European Parliament sent strong positive signals to EU citizens and businesses when it voted on its amendments to the proposal for an EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR). Encouragingly, Members of the European Parliam…

How does an ambitious, yet realistic EU packaging law look like? [Promoted content]

We are just 48h away from the plenary vote on the proposed EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) in the European Parliament and, if the right amendments are supported, this vote will mark an important step towards beverage packaging circul…

Only complementary recycling and reuse systems will deliver viable packaging circularity in Europe [Promoted content]

Only complementary recycling and reuse systems will allow us to achieve the PPWRโ€™s objectives. To accelerate progress on packaging circularity in Europe, we need a strong, consistent and evidence-based regulation, built to shape the transition in an ec…

Political will and collaboration needed to redesign plastics system

Industry identifies โ€˜Plastics Transitionโ€™ roadmap milestone: a dynamic cultural shift toward making plastics circular; driving lifecycle emissions to net zero; and fostering the sustainable use of plastics.

EU packaging plan must respect the role of recycling, reuse and refillย ย 

Without a packaging legislation that is supportive of reuse, refill and recycling as complementary solutions, industry faces major difficulties in meeting its circularity obligations, and the future of currently-effective recycling systems could be seriously compromised.

PTFE ban: The hidden consumer costs and employment losses

The PFAS restriction proposal that is under consideration by European authorities would jeopardize EU flagship industries, including cookware, and deprive consumers of safe and durable products.

How the far right turned heat pumps into electoral rocket fuel

Alternative for Germany has woven climate change policy alongside migration and Euroskepticism into its grand narrative of decay, elitism and rage.

EU support for SMEs must extend to the PPWR [Promoted content]

The European Commission’s vital support for SMEs must extend to the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation. Mandating immediate reuse could financially overburden many SMEs. A flexible approach is essential for both environmental goals and SME viabil…