Carbon circularity requires EU action: lessons from 3 EU projects [Promoted content]

CO2SMOS, VIVALDI and CATCO2NVERS are EU-funded projects exploring ways to replace fossil-based carbon in chemicals with carbon emitted by installations processing biomass. Their recommendations? EU regulations must ensure that sustainable carbon is rec…

No climate neutrality without Carbon Capture & Utilisation [Promoted content]

CO2 Value Europe launches a first-of-a-kind quantitative assessment of the contribution of Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) towards climate neutrality in the EU. By 2050, at least 20% of GHG reduction from technologies will come from CCU.

Green NGO supports controversial CCS to ensure e-fuels reach CO2 neutrality

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) can be deployed in limited cases to ensure e-fuels reach full climate neutrality, green group Transport & Environment has told Euractiv, responding to claims by e-fuel producers that 100% emissions reductions are no…