[Opinion] Private fears of fairtrade activist for EU election campaign

I am not sleeping well, tossing and turning at night because I am obsessed about the EU election campaign, worried by geopolitical tensions, a far-right next parliament, and a backlash against the Green Deal, writes Sophie Aujean of Fairtrade Internati…

Resist backlash on deforestation law, green groups tell EU

European environmental groups have urged the EU Commission to stand firm on implementing the bloc’s landmark anti-deforestation legislation โ€” despite a backlash from governments in South America, Africa and some EU ministers.

[Analysis] ‘PieperGate’ crisis re-opens doubts on von der Leyen’s future

A majority of MEPs call for U-turn on Markus Pieper’s controversial appointment as SME envoyย and a new, more transparent process โ€” raising questions about the leadership style and re-election chances of EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen.

[Interview] EU should use ‘all means’ to end war in Gaza: Belgian minister

The EU should use “all means” possible to end the violence in Gaza, including sanctions, a peace conference, and a review of the EU-Israel Association Agreement, Belgian development cooperation minister Caroline Gennez told EUobserver.

[Analysis] MEPs set to rubber-stamp new restrictive phase of EU asylum

The European Parliament is set to rubber stamp a new internal EU management system on asylum. Years in the making, the overhaul has been described as a game-changer by EU institutions determined to reach an agreement ahead of June’s elections.

[Podcast] Moscow’s terror attack, security and Gaza

This week’s Euroscopic explores the consequences of Moscow’s terror attack, the convergence of public safety and border/migration policy in an EU election year, and the United Nations Security resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Rights groups urge EU equality mandate after June polls

Facing a predicted shift to the right after the EU elections, anti-discrimination organisations are calling on the bloc’s institutions to ensure that equality, anti-racism and fundamental rights are at the top of the EU’s agenda in the next mandate.